Making the backs comes next. The blanks were cut and thickness sanded the
same time as when I made the drawer side blanks so they are right at four
hundredths of an inch too thick. First
step is to cut the blanks into rough sizes about 1/8” wide and half an inch
long. That’s followed by running them
through the thickness sander so they fit into the ½” dado in the sides which
measures four hundredths of an inch less than ½”. Cutting them to length is next. To make sure the interior dimension is the
same at the back as it is in the front, I cut a spacer the exact same length as
the space between the sides at the front.
It’s then moved to the back and the back piece is cut to make a tight
fit in the dados. I could have measured
the distance but then if the side spacing measurement was off or the dados were
not exactly right the back width would be off.
For me this way is simpler and less prone to error. Here is that setup with the back next to the
drawer, the other bottom drawer up next to be done and at the top four drawers
dry-fitted and stacked.
The finish sanding starts by working on the curved
hand-hold. The rest of the drawer can be
power sanded but this needs to be done by hand.
Using one of the drums from the oscillating sander wrapped in 120 grit
paper the curves are sanded smooth paying particular attention to the end and
near end grain on either side. Once
that’s smoothed the 120-grit paper is replaced with 220 and finally 320. This is the primary area that’s going to be
touched so I want it to be really smooth.
The rest of the pieces are all power sanded using a
random orbital sander with 220 grit then finished off with a ¼ sheet pad sander
loaded with 320 grit paper.
One of the sides has a hole completely through where a
small knot fell out. The top photo shows
the black epoxy used to fill it full from both sides, mounded up slightly. After letting it cure overnight sanding with
220 then 320 gives a nice smooth flat surface.
Over the years I have built a lot of different drawers
using all types of construction including everything from unevenly spaced
dovetails to box joints to light use ones that were simply glued and pin nailed
together. One type that has seen a lot
of wear and tear are the shop’s 37 drawers which consist of glue, air driven
finishing nails and screws. Some are
fairly lightly loaded but most have tools and a fair amount of weight. The oldest are probably pushing 20 years and
are as solid and operate as easily as they did when new. A major contributing factor to the ease of
use is heavy duty full extension side mounted drawer slides. Here is what a side view of one of the shop
cabinet drawers looks like.
For these cabinets I am going to use a variation of that
style. The glue and screws will be retained but
nails will be omitted and replaced with an additional screw. Because I don’t want the screws visible, they
will be counter sunk below the side’s face and the hole plugged. As a tie to the cherry unit the drawer
cabinet will go into the plugs will be made out of cherry rather than oak. Below is a rendering of what I have in mind. Look closely and you can see that the front
plugs are bigger than the back ones.
There is a reason for that I will explain later.
The second set of holes to be drilled are for attaching the sides to the back which are smaller than the front ones. First, is that most of the stress on the drawer is where the front attaches to the sides and that’s because of the forces applied when pulling the drawer open or closing it. The back just holds the sides together and keeps things from falling out the rear, so the joint does not need to be as strong. Second is due to the dado the back fits in. As the side is ½” thick and the dado is ¼” deep the thickness available for the screw head and plug is only ¼” so a thinner #4 screw is used versus the #6 at the front.
The end result will be the same. A countersunk hole for the screw and the peg
albeit smaller but the method is different because I don’t have combination
pilot hole and countersink bit for a #4 screw.
What’s required is two setups – one to drill the pilot hole and one to
make the countersink. I tried drilling
the pilot hole first then the countersink and doing the countersink first then
the pilot hole which worked out best.
Here is a cut through one of my test pieces that shows what I am after.
The top photo below shows the ¼” counter sink hole setup
while the bottom photo shows the setup for drilling the smaller pilot hole.
There is one small detail that needs to be taken care of
after drilling the pilot hole. When the
drill breaks through the back side it does not leave a clean exit hole. You can see that in the left photo
below. The rough edges get cleaned up
with a countersink/pilot hole drill whose bit diameter matches that of the
pilot hole. In case you are wondering
why this combination bit wasn’t used to drill the hole in one pass it’s because
the diameter of the countersink part is too big.
Next Up – Drawer Assembly & Cutting Plugs